Lots of people have chosen to make the move from Windows to Linux but do
they have 'it' in them to know and understand what's in store?
Saturday, January 25, 2014:
Well, frankly speaking nobody is perfect, and in the current
discussion not everyone is a tech-savy geek. But does that mean they
don't have right to feel and enjoy the 'best' things in life (in this
discussion, the same pertains to technology). Over the years, many
people have switched from Windows to Linux primarily owing to freedom
that the latter provides. But, the question remains- is the 'average
joe' in you truly familiar with what Linux really is?
This goes out to all the
people who have heard the term Linux and want to know a bit more but
have no clue where to begin. Here are 10 things users must know about
What is Linux?
"Linux is a Unix-like
computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open
source software development and distribution. The defining component of
Linux is the Linux kernel, an operating system kernel first released 5
October 1991 by Linus Torvalds." is how Wikipedia puts it. Most of you
will probably have the Windows operating system that has seen a number
of versions over the years. Now Windows is an Operating System, while
Windows Kernel or the Windows NT Kernel is basically the engine for it.
From the Windows NT Kernel multiple versions of Windows are formed
including the home, professional and ultimate editions.
coming to our point: there is a common misconception that Linux is an
Operating System (or as even Wiki calls it). Linux is however the engine
that spawns a whole host of different operating systems known as
What is a distribution (distro)?
distribution is in fact the actual operating system. So you could look
at it like this. There are multiple distributions each aimed at a
different target audience. The difference between Linux and Windows is
that there are hundreds of choices of Linux distributions with majority
of them being free.
How do I know which distribution is right for me?
basically comes down to personal preference. A lot of distributions
provide live CDs which makes it possible to insert the CD into you CD
drive and restart your computer and it will boot straight into the Linux
distribution. Simply try out all the functions without worrying about
messing up your Windows installation and if you like it you can then
install it. However, blindly downloading distributions is not advisable
for newbies. You can always visit www.distrowatch.org that convineantly
lists the top 100 distributions. Further, the search tool can be used to
search on the distribution type.
Searching on 'older
computers' provides a list of distributions that run well on older
computers. Then there are distros for gamers, education and so on. Each
distribution has a description which states the major goals of the
projects. You can also see screenshots and read reviews.
For first timers however, Ubuntu, Linux Mint or Zorin OS might be useful!
What is a desktop environment?
desktop environment is simply a series of menus, taskbars, windows and
keyboard shortcuts that you use to start and run applications. Linux
offers an abundant choice of desktop environments. The main desktop
environments in use are Unity, Cinnamon, Mate, Gnome, KDE, XFCE and
Where can I get Linux distributions?
distributions of course come free, however, some distros make it more
complicated than others when choosing what to download. Ubuntu is fairly
easier since there is only one desktop choice (Unity) and so you simply
get the choice to download a 32 bit version or a 64 bit version.
How do I install Linux but keep Windows?
Linux distributions can run from inside Windows or as well as Windows
without affecting the Windows install at all for those of you still
wanting to hold on to Windows while trying out Linux. For instance,
Ubuntu has the Wubi installer which runs Ubuntu from inside Windows.
While, many other distros enable you to install the Linux distribution
alongside Windows so that when you boot your PC you can choose whether
to use Windows or Linux.
Can I still run my Windows applications?
enables you to install Windows applications within the Linux operating
system and run them straight from within Linux. While, VirtualBox
enables you to install a copy of Windows within a virtual machine
whereby you can install the Windows applications you wish to use.
Is my hardware supported by Linux?
The answer is a yes! The best thing however is to try out the live version of a distribution first and test all your hardware.
How do I get support for Linux?
major distros have forums that you can go to for help. If the forums
don’t work then there are the ICQ chat rooms. Then there is of course
Google and Youtube.
Why would I want to use Linux instead of Windows?
your machine is running slowly or it is getting older then you might
not be able to upgrade to a later version of Windows. However, the
current version of Windows will eventually lose support and there is
every chance security holes will be found and not plugged. Moving to a
version of Linux that is designed for older computers will give you
peace of mind that you are running on an operating system designed for
Source: Everyday Linux User
Saurabh Singh, EFYTIMES News Network
Fonte: 10 Things An 'Average Joe' Must Know About Linux